Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Leaves of the fabulous tree

photo by Tibor Mester

View Angyalföld in a larger map
I every day pass by bicycle along the studio house closing our street. Since a few years ago this plaque next to its last staircase proclaims that here lived and worked the painter and designer Ádám Würtz, widely known for his book illustrations. He drew a lot.

For example

Lullaby for children: (move the mouse over the poems for the English translation)

The strange adventures of the little Greek boy and little Turkish girl reduced to the size of a little finger in the island of Cyprus

And for adults:

The nostalgic-painful narrative by Sholem Alechem on a love rooted in the childhood, a beautiful fragile little story built of almost-happenings

To Wilde

thanks to the Medicina publisher, the Anangaranga enriched the extremely poor erotic book publishing of the Kádár era. The text is likely to have disappointed many readers, but the colorful illustrations with the women dawning in pearl color were really well done

Books illustrated by Ádám Würtz:

Sólem Áléchem, ÉNEKEK ÉNEKE, Európa, 1959.
Vermes Magda, HOLDFÉNY – klasszikus elbeszélések, Móra, 1962.
Szederjei Magda, AZ ÖSVÉNY TITKA, Móra, 1964.
William Shakespeare SZENTIVÁNÉJI ÁLOM, Magyar Helikon, 1972.
Hárs László, 10X10=100 MESE, Móra, 1973.
József Attila, ALTATÓ, Móra, 1974.
Kormos István, LUCA SZÉKE, Móra, 1974.
Szabó Lőrinc, LÓCI ÓRIÁS LESZ, Móra, 1974.
Hárs László, HOL VOLTAM, HOL NEM VOLTAM, Móra, 1975.
Ignácz Rózsa, HAJDANÁBAN ZAMBIÁBAN, Móra, 1978.
Peonidu-Vangelió, HIPP-HOPP KALANDJAI Móra, 1978.
Varga Domokos, NÉPEK KENYERE, Móra, 1978.
William Shakespeare SZONETTJEI, Magyar Helikon, 1979.
Ágh István, HÁNYAT NÉZEK A NAPTÁRBAN?, Móra, 1980.
Timur Zulfikarov, NASZREDDIN HODZSA ELSŐ SZERELME, Móra, 1980.
Vátszjájana, KÁMA-SZÚTRA, Medicina, 1982.
J. M. Barrie, Tótfalusi István, PÁN PÉTER, Móra, 1983.
Bakó Ágnes, ARCOK A BELGA TÜKÖRBEN, Móra, 1986.
Kaljánamalla, ANANGARANGA, Medicina, 1986.
Tuomo Lahdelma, A TEREMTŐ KAKUKKJA -  finn gyerekversek, Móra, 1988.

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